Meditating in the Rocky Mountans

As I sit at clubhouse bar looking out the
window, I’m surrounded by massive stones that sit quietly over the horizon,
with just a light breeze disturbing their perpetual rest. The lush vegetation
and trees, many which have passed on due to a local beetle epidemic, still
display the vibrant green most mystical forests are known for. Calm lake
waters complete the scene that brings me to a sense of peace as I breathe in its

I discipline myself to remain in the presence of this alluring scene of nature.
I envision its wildlife feeding, living, thriving, running around a field
provided just for them through divine power. How favored they must be,
run wild, to run free. Not to have to worry about where their next meal will come from.

Their instinct leads the way, to their next meal, shelter, and
each other.

As I soak in the aroma of nature, and I can’t help but wonder why it’s so difficult
for humans to follow their intuition: that gut feeling that warns us something
is wrong or doesn’t feel right. At one point or another, many of us have made
hasty decisions because we chose to ignore our instincts. Then we roam life
living with regret.

What exactly keeps us from following our intuition? It’s our thoughts.

That voice inside us that tells us we are wrong and things will turn out alright in the end.

Our instinct always tells us what is right; it never  fails. We are
who chose not to listen. There may be times when following our
instinct may be hard because we know that doing so may challenge us to have to make
tough decisions. Know that in the end, it will all be worth it.

Finding peace and contentment within yourself may not be easy, but it’s
attainable. Follow your heart, and it will lead you places you’ve imagined but
never thought you could reach.


Rosa Talavera

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