In the year following the death of my mother, I traveled to Puerto Rico to assist my siblings in settling her estate. This included preparing the home I grew up in to sell. So that the property remains in the family, my sister has agreed to purchase it.
It was an emotionally and physically draining process. I experienced the most heartbreak when I had to donate, sell, or dispose of her things. My eyes were filled with tears throughout the entire process. My family gave me a few items that allow me to feel closer to her today, and I keep them visible in my home.
As I move on from this chapter in my life, I am grateful for the time she spent with us. Losing a loved one is never easy. By remembering and honoring their presence and contribution to our lives, healing can be easier.
Her passing has made my mortality more apparent, so I won’t take my life for granted. When we pass away, we take with us the memories of living life to the fullest. Grief teaches us acceptance, gratitude, and growth. As a message, I would like to encourage those who have suffered loss to find comfort, healing, or closure if they so desire.