Are soulmates a true reality or are they an illusion? Many of us go through life looking for that one person that would satisfy all our needs and share in all our deepest desires: love, friendship, intimacy, and sexuality.
Does this endless quest for this person lead to greater disappointments when it’s never found? How do we know if the past loves weren’t all soulmates on way or another? Is it possible to have more than one soulmate? I don’t believe in soulmates. I believe we’ve all been with people who’ve helped us grow with love, support, and guidance. If we’re always searching for that one relationship, that ideal partner or soulmate who will have everything we need to be happy, we might miss out on relationships real-life relationships.
So next time you’re in a relationship, instead of wondering if this person is your soulmate, perhaps you should ask yourself if there’s real love between you the two of you. The rest my friend will come naturally.